Monthly Archives: April 2009

Useful Information for the latest Flu

A few simple tips to stay healthy.

  • Stay hydrated with clean water.
  • Eat plenty of organic fruits and veggies in their raw state… very hydrating and healing.
  • Get enough sleep and rest.  Stress lowers immunity so take time to relax.
  • Hugs, lots of hugs. They cure everything.

Also check the information in the link below.

Love, Adam

Natural Antivirals


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Aloe Vera… Swine Flu Protection?

Got Aloe?

Got Aloe?

Aloe vera is a plant almost everyone is familiar with and that many have growing in and around their home. If looked at as only an ornamental or at most a topical treatment you do yourself and aloe a great disservice.  I lifted this information from…

Aloe vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body’s systems. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that aloe vera is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of aloe vera components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.

So here’s goo that most peoples interaction with is to squirt it from a bottle after it has been processed and colored green or blue and spread it all over their newly acquired sunburn. It’s cheap, abundant and easily grown and harvested yet the masses prefer their aloe off the shelf, processed, colored and in a bottle. Time to take full advantage of this natural healer. If you have a plant, harvest the leaves. If you don’t, get one or find a friend who has one and harvest their leaves. Read the quote above again and click on the link and read further if you like. We’re talking cancer, HIV and diabetes… and that’s just an overview. Aloe could potentially clear you of all your past parking tickets and return your overdue books to the library.

The video shares my personal method of cutting and  eating aloe. Enjoy… and Keep It Live!

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Almond Nori Sticks

Snap into it baby… It’s been a long day, but before turning in I put together a tray of almond pate filled nori rolls. The little cigars are dehydrating at the moment and filling the house with seaweed savory smells. I videoed the event and will edit and post it ASAP… I’ll post more soon. Nighty.

besos, Adam

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Post-Surf Smoothie

Surfs Up

Surfs Up

When fortune smiles upon me and there’s good surf in the morning, I down a morning glass of water and paddle out for a AM surf session. It’s nice to start the morning off with a bit of exercise to stoke the appetite. After an hour or so of flailing around in the ocean… hopefully spending a majority of time above the water than below, I return home with quite an appetite. Tops on my list of post-surf meals is durian, but that isn’t always an option. This week I have a surplus of pears and blood oranges so that’s what has been going into my smoothies. Enjoy this how to smoothie video… Keep it Live.

Recipe: Pear Blood Orange Smoothie – serves 2

3 Blood Oranges

2 Pears

2 Bananas

1 C water

3 T Dry Nettle – Add fresh  1 C packed Spinach or fresh Nettle if possible

1 T Greener Grasses

1 T apple cider vinegar

1 t Bacopa Monieri

1 t Tribulus Terrestris Saponins

1 t Holy Basil

pinch of Himalayan Salt

Raise your smoothie potential by adding these ingredients.

Raise the Bar: 1 T Cinnamon, 1/2 T Fresh Ginger, 1 t Orange Zest

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Filed under How To, Raw Food Adventures, Recipe

Food Porn

Food Porn

Food Porn

Food porn… Food and Porn, what a combo. Recently I’ve come across this phrase on several occasions. To me porn is something that creates an immediate heightened response, draws you in with lofty promises, artificially excites,  it pulls your trigger but in the end leaves you empty and spent… pun intended. A majority of the “food” that people consume these days is more like pornography than food… all airbrushed(artificial), sweaty(salt), processed, stimulating (food additives) and propagandized (advertising). Did you ever notice the picture on the DVD… or box of food always looks 100 times better than what actually comes out of the box? It’s all empty calories, it all leaves you empty.

As you incorporate more live foods back into your life that is what you get… more life. Porno ain’t just on the net or at the video store… it’s on almost every aisle of the grocery store. You know what I’m talking about. I remember the days of staring blankly into the beer cooler or the ice cream freezer… c’mon, my favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor was Karamel Sutra… now I can make a raw vegan version. That’s the beauty of live foods… porn foods were most likely reverse engineered from something natural. I think everyone out there can agree, in the end, natural beats artificial every time.


Porn Food: Hawaiian Punch

Natural Food: Habiscus Cooler
2 C Iced Habiscus Tea
1 C Fresh Squeezed OJ
1/2 C Pineapple juice
1 C sparkling water
Pinch of Himalayan or other healthy salt
Sweeten with agave, raw honey, stevia…

The above recipe tastes exactly like Hawaiian Punch or vice versa…. and it won’t stain your upper lip red.

Just say “no” to food porn… it’s a start. Eventually you can lose the rest of the porn in your life as well.

Keep it Live, Adam

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Got EFT?

The buzz about EFT continues and I still haven’t given it its due attention. EFT is short for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is a powerful method for addressing, reducing and eliminating personal issues.  Fortunately a web event is underway that shares everything you ever wanted to know about this personal improvement technique… enjoy and let me know how it changes your lives.


EFT World Summit

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Are all chia’s created equal…

Folks that know me or even strangers that have happened to converse with me about live foods know that I’m a huge fan of chia seed. From what I’ve read and my personal experience chia is a staple in my diet… replacing and surpassing flax seed in my recipes and my diet. There seems to be a lot of buzz around chia these days and I ain’t talking about the novelty pet. There’s white chia, black chia, chia that’s called “salba”… as if that would make it different… wild harvested, chemical free… blah, blah, blah…

A little overwhelming at times, folks may throw the baby out with the bath water and just give up on the pursuit for purchasing chia. Fortunately I was able to connect with a reliable wholesaler in the state of Florida that I trust. I buy chia in bulk for myself and my students. Below is a pasted copy of an email I exchanged with Lenore of Omega 3 Chia.

Adam, I really love it when my friends and clients send me emails of “stuff” they hear or read.

Salba, the albino/white chia is NOT superior to dark chia.  Logic:  we have always known that dark fruits and vegetables are more nutrient dense than white fruits and vegetables, i.e.:  broccoli vs. cauliflower, spinach vs. iceberg lettuce.  The dark chia has an ORAC value of 98 and vs. albino at 70.  The study is attached.

Dr. Wayne Coates’ affiliation is with LifeMax / Mila.  They “micro-slice” the chia.  First, anytime you break or crush a seed the oxidation process begins.  The seed was created in a “whole form” so why does it have to be crushed?  It should be refrigerated.  And they do NOT own 98% or all the chia fields in the world.  If that were true how come we have 1.2 million pounds?  I’ve heard all their claims.  Some are true and some are not.

Wayne Coates is a scientist and I respect his authorship of the chia book.  We have spoken on several occasions when I had questions.

It’s difficult to know who is telling the truth.  And if I were a consumer investigating all the chia stuff I would be frustrated.  All people want to know is the truth…no hype, just what’s real

Thank you Adam for putting our link to your site.  Let me know how I can help you too.

Lenore Milleson

Omega 3 Chia

Chia Growers

Researched Products


mobile:  321-262-2801

email: ,

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalms 118:8

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Cleaning Your Dirty Nuts

Here’s a short look at the basic procedure for cleaning nuts and seeds for storage and consumption. I teach this procedure in my live food prep classes and highly recommend doing this with all store or online purchased nuts and seeds. It’s my feeling that many of the food allergies that people have may be associated with the fungi, mold and bacteria that thrive on those particular foods. Stored grains are typically contaminated with mycotoxins. Aflotoxin is one mycotoxin that has been linked with cancer. It is typically on all peanuts grown and cultivated using current practices. Nuts and seeds can become contaminated during the packaging, storing and shipping process. By soaking your nuts and seeds in a solution of water and food grade H2O2 you can minimize the potential health risks from putting dirty nuts in your mouth… seeds too.

Keep it Live, Adam


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